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Micro-Scrimshaw Gallery

Browse through the following pieces of scrimshaw. These pieces are either for sale or already sold. If the piece you want is already sold, I can create a similar piece upon request. I also do custom work if you have something different in mind than what you see here. Contact me for pricing and special orders.

"Eagle" on elephant ivory set in a money clip/knife.

"Lynx" elephant ivory tie tack.

"Moose" elephant ivory tie tack.

"Alaska Brown Bear" elephant ivory tie tack.

"Snowy Owl" elephant ivory tie tack.

"Loon" elephant ivory set in money clip/knife.

"Whitetail" elephant ivory tie tack.

"Big 8 Point" elephant ivory tie tack.

"Strutt'n Long Beard" on elephant ivory. Knife/money clip

"Double Zebra" on elephant ivory.

"Longbeard" on piano key ivory on moneyclip.

"Coyote" scrimmed on Coyote canine tooth.

"Wolf" on the crown of a deer antler.

"Cardinal" on fossilized mammoth ivory.

"Weiner Dog" on ivory.

"Portrait One" on ivory.

"Gobbler" on ivory.

"Three Toms" on deer antler crown.

"Heidi" on ivory.

"Portrait Two" on ivory.